• 22-23 April 2024
  • Antipolis Congress Centre, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France

Floating solar PV on dam reservoirs and solar-hydro hybridization

International Conference and Exhibition, 22 - 23 April 2024

Solar-Hydro 2024 was successfully held in the stunning city of Antibes, on the French riviera, over 22-23 April 2024, bringing together solar and hydropower specialists under one roof to learn more on the vast potential and prospects of rapidly emerging hybridization and floating solar (FPV) technology.

The event attracted professionals from over 35 nations for a dynamic two-day conference, exhibition, and  the finest hospitality, all of which offered a unique platform for networking opportunities and knowledge exchange.

The content-rich conference programme covered a broad spectrum of FPV deployment and development issues. Case studies of recent, on-going and planned large-scale FPV collaborations in Europe, Asia and Africa provided valuable insights into the lessons learnt, challenges to overcome and calls for action to unlock full FPV and hybridization potential.

Technical innovation and areas for research and development were central to discussions, with key themes including safety factors, technical standards, and environmental, social and economic factors, as well as ways of facilitating funding for FPV schemes. Contributions included valuable insights from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and a session on financial aspects was chaired by a high-level representative of Société Générale.

The supporting technical exhibition also showcased the latest developments in FPV and other renewable energy systems, providing an additional forum for further knowledge sharing.

A full conference report will feature in Issue 3 of the International Journal on Hydropower & Dams.

In the meantime, photo highlights from the event can be viewed here.

Organized by Aqua~Media International (Hydropower & Dams), In partnership with ICOLD

Supporting organizations:


  • 22-23 April 2024
  • Antipolis Congress Centre, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France