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Consultant services sought for Pro-Hydro Programme in DRC

The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources (MinERH) of the Democratic Republic of Congo invites bids by 29 July in two separate post-qualification tenders for management consulting services and technical, environmental and social consulting services for the country’s Pro-Hydro Programme.

The objective of the Pro-Hydro Programme, which is being co-financed by Germany’s development bank KfW, is to improve the energy supply to the facilities of the public water utility REGIDESO through the construction of hydropower stations and associated transmission and distribution lines.

The programme is designed to reduce REGIDESO’s energy costs and, as a result, water rates for the population and increase access to cheaper and more reliable electricity. This is to be achieved through the mobilization of private capital and private management of the planned infrastructure. For this purpose, the MinERH aims to recruit private concessionaires to design, finance, build, implement and manage hydropower stations and associated networks.

The responsibilities of the Management Consultant will include providing support to the MinERH as a transactional advisor, to the Regulatory Authority for the Electricity Sector (ARE), and to the private operator in administrative procedures, supporting quality control and reviewing pre-feasibility and feasibility and economic studies of the different sites, supporting the preparation and organization of the Steering Committee meetings as well as the tender procedure for the recruitment of private concessionaires, developing a procurement strategy for concession contracts and complete contract documentation for the concessions, developing criteria for the selection of private funding and management models and establish dialogue procedures with potential investors, putting in place a mechanism for monitoring and evaluation, consulting with local legal offices to ensure the feasibility and legality of the concession and the procurement procedure according to national laws and, supporting the monitoring of compliance with environmental and social standards after commissioning and Support MinERH/ARE in conflict management after conclusion of contracts.

The tasks of the Technical, Environmental and Social Consultant include conducting pre-feasibility/technical, economic and financial feasibility studies of hydroelectric sites in secondary centres and set up standards, developing a schedule of electrification activities for the sites,

conducting environmental and social impact assessments according to international standards, providing technical support during the procurement process, monitoring and reporting on compliance with IFC performance standards and the World Bank’s general environmental, health and safety guidelines as well as the implementation of management plans and, supervising the sites and monitoring and confirming completion of milestones by the private concessionaire for the disbursement of the grant.

The assignment will be conducted in French. The qualification of consultants is subject to the regulations contained in the Guidelines for the Assignment of Consultants in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries at Consultants may participate in both calls for tender provided they have a suitable profile and the necessary human resources.

To register and receive the tender documents, contact Aurélien Agut, Tender Agent; Email:
