After four postponements, ASIA 2023 was finally able to take Place in Kuala Lumpur, from 14 to 16 March, and almost 450 international delegates, from 40 nations, gathered to exchange practical ideas and experience during the event. The conference and exhibition were officially opened by Malaysia’s Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change. Our gallery presents an initial overview of sessions, a training workshop, the exhibition and social events. A full report will follow, starting in Issue 3 of Hydropower & Dams. (Below: Photos from the Opening Ceremony)
Learning Hydro UK, ran a 'design a small hydro plant in a day' workshop.
Three parallel session ran throughout the three days. Here are some highlights from each session.
Photos from the ASIA 2023 receptions and dinners.
Photos from the ASIA 2023 Technical Exhibition