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Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Deadline approaching: Consulting services sought for Matenggeng pumped-storage project in Indonesia

The proposed project, with a generating capacity of 943 MW, is planned to be built in the province of West Java, approximately 300 km southeast of Jakarta, with an upper dam on the Cimancing river and a lower dam on the Citeuteul river, one of the tributaries of the Citanduy river.

Indonesia’s state utility PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PT PLN) invites expressions of interest by 15 September from qualified consulting firms to prepare detailed design and tender documents for the proposed Matenggeng pumped-storage project in Indonesia.

The main features of the project include: an upper RCC dam with a maximum height of 88 m and a crest length of 279 m; a power waterway consisting of two intakes, two 0.7 km-long headrace tunnels, two 200 m-long buried penstocks, two 350 m-high vertical penstocks, and two 1.6 km-long tailrace tunnels; an underground powerhouse with four pump-turbine units; and, a lower CFRD with a maximum height of 57 m and a crest length of 388 m. A feasibility study, including topographical mapping of the project area through LiDAR survey and extensive geological investigations, was completed in 2018.

The consulting services are to be financed from two loans from the World Bank: Pumped Storage Technical Assistance, and new financing, which is currently being finalized, from the under-preparation Development of Pumped Storage Hydropower in Java Bali System Project. Because of separate financing sources, the consulting services have been divided into two phases. Phase I will entail a review of the feasibility study and scope of works for additional investigations, and Phase II will cover detailed design, preparation of tender documents and assistance through the entire procurement process. The consultant will also assist PLN with the procurement of all contract packages: civil Works including access road (FIDIC’s Red Book); electromechanical Equipment (FIDIC’s Yellow Book); Hydraulic steel structure Equipment (FIDIC’s Yellow Book); and, transmission line (FIDIC’s Yellow Book). The consultant will also carry out (through sub-consultants) and manage the following additional investigations: geological investigations including drilling, seismic survey, excavation of exploratory adits, and plate load and block shear tests; topographical survey of the proposed access roads and transmission line route; and, meteorological and hydrological surveys.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality-and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the consultant guidelines.

For further information, contact: Rusdi Karim, Vice President of Procurement and Control PT PLN (Persero) Kantor Pusat, New And Renewable Energy Division, Main Building, 13th Floor, Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M I/135, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, 12160, Indonesia; Tel: +62 81378076677; +62 21 7261122; Email:;

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators