Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Studies sought for priority generation investment project in Liberia

The West African Power Pool (WAPP) invites expressions of interest by 9 December from qualified consultants to carry out feasibility studies and environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) for an approximate 150 MW hydropower plant on the St Paul river and the phased development of up to 90 MWp of solar PV capacity.

The studies, including occupational health and safety activities, will have to be compliant with the new World Bank Environmental and Social Framework as well as the World Bank Group’s applicable Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines.

The studies, which are to be funded by the World Bank as part of the Integration and Technical Assistance Project, will entail: the preparation of full bankable feasibility studies for the priority generation investment project (PIP) including the hydropower and solar assets and associated transmission infrastructure; and, to carry out ESIAs to identify all eventual impacts and risks of the PIP on the biological, physical, economic, social and human environments, on the basis of which an environmental and social management Plan and resettlement action plan will have to be developed to suggest appropriate solutions to mitigate negative impacts while enhancing positive spin-offs to offer best integration of the project into its host watershed.  For the hydropower package, the consultant will review the available information, realize field investigations and geotechnical surveys, and carry out all technical, environmental and social studies required in support of the preparation of the PIP and the establishment of its optimal design characteristics, cost estimate, and proposed implementation programme, as well as a complete economic and financial analysis. For the solar package, the consultant will be required to identify and screen potential sites or reservoirs (for floating solar), finalize the technical characteristics and design of the solar park(s) where necessary and relevant battery storage. The consultant will also consolidate integration of the PIP in the national system and National Electrification Strategy and propose optimum transmission lines and substations, undertake a diagnosis for SCADA development and the creation of a dispatching centre and, establish an evaluation of required investments in capacity building (technology and training) and modernization (hardware equipment, software and smart grid technology).

The detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) for the assignment can be found at the following WAPP website: The total mission execution period is estimated to be 57 weeks after the contract is signed. The contract is expected to be awarded in March 2020.

For further information, contact: with copy to:;; and, Tel: +229 21 37 41 95 /+229 65 66 98 98.

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators