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Kyrgyz Republic invites ESIA for hydropower projects

The Ministry of Energy (MoE) of the Kyrgyz Republic invites expressions of interest by 25 April from eligible consulting firms to prepare environmental and social Instruments for the rehabilitation of the Bystrovskaya hydropower plant and the construction of the Tar hydropower plant. Financing for the two projects and the tendered consulting services will be provided by the World Bank’s International Development Association within the framework of the Kyrgyz Renewable Energy Development Project.

The objective of the consulting services is to undertake the full environmental and social assessment and planning work associated with the rehabilitation of the Bystrovskaya plant and construction of the Tar station, and future operation of these two plants, in accordance with the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and applicable national standards requirements. Furthermore, it serves to identify environmental, social, health and safety impacts (ESHS) (positive and negative) and risks, and to design respective measures in line with the mitigation hierarchy that underpins the ESF’s approach to risk and impact mitigation. It is envisaged that the assignment will take about 12 months to complete with an expected start date of Q3 2024.

Detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be downloaded on the below link: ( Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services.

The two projects are to be undertaken by Chakan GES, a small hydropower operator and developer which is a fully-owned subsidiary of the state-owned National Energy Holding Company (NEHC).

The 8.7 MW Bystrovskaya plant, located near Kemin in the Chu region, is equipped with three identical Francis turbines with each with a rated capacity of 2.9 MW. It utilizes the hydropower potential of the Chu River by commanding the head and flow in the Obvodnoy-Chuyskiy Canal-1, which branches off the Chu River upstream from Kemin. The plant was commissioned in 1954-55. Most of the generation plant and ancillary equipment dates from this time, although the governors appear to have been replaced in 1961, and the insulation of the generators has been replaced. A pre-feasibility study for the refurbishment of Bystrovskaya was carried out in 2023 on behalf of the World Bank by Norconsult. Since much of the refurbishment work may only be defined in detail once the generation plant is dewatered, inspected and tested, the decision has been made to proceed to tendering the EPC contract on the basis of the pre-feasibility study.

The Lower Tar project, which is to be located to the east of Osh city in Jalalabat region, will harness the hydropower potential of the Tar river, a left-bank tributary of the Kara Darya river. Based on a pre-feasibility study carried out in 2023 on behalf of the World Bank by Norconsult, the project is designed with an installed capacity of 19 MW, and will comprise a concrete gravity dam with gated spillway, intake, canal and penstocks leading to a powerhouse some 200 m downstream of the dam, and a tailrace channel excavated below riverbed level to gain extra head. Lower Tar is the most downstream of a potential cascade on the river. Although the upstream schemes are not being studied at this time, the concept for Lower Tar shall take account of the likely future upstream hydropower developments, which has been studied to pre-feasibility level.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant’s Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the World Bank’s procurement regulations. Expressions of Interest should be submitted, in English, electronically to by 16.00h Bishkek time on 25 April. Further information can be obtained from Nurlan Kurumshiev, Project Management Office, Ministry of Energy, Jibek-Jolu Avenue 326, Bishkek; Tel.: +996 312 670218; Email:

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators