Auma-Solutions for a world in motion
Auma-Solutions for a world in motion

Technical support sought for O&M of Jiji-Mulembwe projects in Burundi

Burundi’s state water and power utility, La Régie de Production et Distribution d’Eau et d’Electricité (REGIDESO), invites expressions of interest by 22 April from qualified consultants to provide technical support for the operation and maintenance of the 31.5 MW Jiji and 16.5 MW Mulembwe projects, which are under construction in the southwestern province of Bururi.

The construction of the two run-of-the-river plants on the Jiji and Mulembwe rivers, as well as an 80 km, 110 kV transmission line to evacuate the power to the capital Bujumbura, at an estimated cost of US$ 252 million, is being financed by various multilateral development banks including the World Bank, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). The assignment is for a duration of two years from the entry into service of the first of the two projects, and is scheduled to begin in November 2024.

Expressions of interest in French with the accompanying message “Manifestation d’Intérêt pour le Recrutement d’un Consultant d’Appui à l’Exploitation et la Maintenance des Centrales Hydroélectriques de Jiji & Mulembwe” should be delivered in person, by email, fax or by post to the address below no later than 15.00 hours local time on 22 April.

For further information and the terms of reference for the contract, contact: Nadine Nizigiye, Projet hydroélectrique de Jiji et Mulembwe (PHJIMU), Regie de Production et de Distribution d’Eau et d’Electricité, Rohero I, Avenue de Grèce n°11, Building BICOR House, B.P: 660 Bujumbura, Burundi: Tel: +257 6101 2830; +257 2227 3246; +257 2227 3249; Email:, and

Ganz Hydrogenerators
Ganz Hydrogenerators